It’s All About the Fundamentals
Executive Leadership
Fundamentals are the basic, simplest, most important elements, ideas or principles of what we are trying to accomplish.
Executive Leadership
Fundamentals are the basic, simplest, most important elements, ideas or principles of what we are trying to accomplish.
Provides a timely mix of articles on PK-8 education in Texas. Published six times a year and mailed to more than 6,000 school leaders.
Published weekly online, includes Texas Education Agency updates, PK-8 education news, resources and learning opportunities.
Features current best practices, hot topics in education and leadership strategies for PK-8 school leaders.
Executive Leadership, Human Capital, School Culture
One of the most vexing problems for any principal working to implement Professional Learning Communities is how to respond to resistors.
Executive Leadership, Human Capital, School Culture, Strategic Operations
Doug Reeves highlights the impact Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) can have when educators fully engage in continuous, comprehensive and ongoing development of the PLC process.
The Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association (TEPSA), whose hallmark is educational leaders learning with and from each other, has served Texas PK-8 school leaders since 1917. Member owned and member governed, TEPSA has more than 6000 members who direct the activities of 3 million PK-8 school children. TEPSA is an affiliate of the National Association of Elementary School Principals.
© Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association