In considering a new project, request, etc., ask the following:

  • Do our members need it?
    Will it contribute to their growth? How many will it affect?
    What could happen if we don’t do it?
  • Will it impact student learning/school improvement?
  • What resources does it require?
  • Other points to take into consideration:
    Who is requesting it?
    Is someone else already doing it?
    What are the best case and worst case scenarios?



  • Standing Committees meet, individual committee reports are developed, and items identified that require Board action



  • Executive Committee reviews all completed committee reports, considers items submitted to the Executive Committee and items for recommendation to the Board, and analyzes the impact of the recommendations
  • Officer liaisons call committee chairs to discuss Executive Committee discussion, information sent to Board of Directors
  • Standing Committee Chairs submit committee reports to the Board of Directors
  • Board takes action on the reports
  • President-Elect recruits proposed Standing Committee volunteers



  • Staff, by coordinating with committee chairs and officer liaisons, prepares a summary of Standing Committee recommendations and Board actions, sent to all committee members within six weeks for committee feedback
  • TEPSA President-Elect finalizes Standing Committee proposed appointments



  • TEPSA President-Elect notifies Standing Committee chairs and vice chairs of appointment
  • Standing Committee volunteers presented to Executive Committee for approval



  • Summer Conference: Board of Directors meeting and TEPSA Regional Officers and Standing Committees Leadership Training
  • Summer Board of Directors Meeting and Leadership Conference
  • Proposed agendas for Standing Committee chair meeting and individual committee meetings submitted to Executive Committee at their transition meeting
  • Chairs communicate with last year’s chair prior to the Board of Directors Leadership Conference
  • Standing Committee chairs and vice chairs meet and develop draft of agenda for each committee and identify items for common agenda
  • Board of Directors approves new Standing Committee appointments
  • Staff sends a summary of Board of Directors actions that impact any committee discussion items



  • President notifies Standing Committees and chairs of committee meeting date and welcomes new appointments
  • Newly appointed committee members sent information from the prior year’s Standing Committee meeting
  • Annual Report information sent to members



  • Board of Directors Online Meeting
  • Executive Committee reviews chair reports and finalizes agenda items
  • President coordinates with officer liaisons, who coordinate with committee chairs



  • Staff emails final agendas to chairs for review, and officer liaisons will communicate with committee chairs


History: Communication loop began with the 1991-1992 year

The Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association (TEPSA), whose hallmark is educational leaders learning with and from each other, has served Texas PK-8 school leaders since 1917. Member owned and member governed, TEPSA has more than 6000 members who direct the activities of 3 million PK-8 school children. TEPSA is an affiliate of the National Association of Elementary School Principals.

© Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association

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