Meet the StuCo Team

Lisa McLaughlin
Director of TEPSA Student Leadership
Helping children find success has been my passion for my entire career. I recently retired after serving students and parents in a variety of roles for the past 37 years. I was a classroom teacher, lead teacher, department chair, student council advisor, assistant principal and principal. While I loved each and every role, working with student leaders was always a favorite of mine. Helping students identify their strengths as a leader is often just as rewarding as helping them learn to succeed in their academics. For the last two years, I have presented TEPSA student leadership workshops and loved every minute of the adventure! This year I will be serving as Director of Student Leadership for TEPSA and can’t wait to bring our Leaders ‘R’ Us workshops to schools across Texas.

Belinda Box
Assistant Director, TEPSA Student Leadership
I’m a Texas girl, born and raised like so many others to be tough and resilient. That was a good thing considering the path that was ahead for me. I was honored to be an educator for 40 years before retiring in 2018. My career was spent serving the students of Deer Park ISD, where I worked as a special education teacher, teacher for Preschool Programs for Children with Disabilities (PPCD), educational diagnostician, assistant principal, and principal for five of the district’s elementary schools. As the years passed it became more and more obvious that societal challenges would call for strong leadership now and in the future. I often found myself drawn to working with student leaders who felt called upon to serve their schools and communities. Even though I’ve retired from public education, I feel very lucky to be able to continue that quest through my work as an advisor for the TEPSA Leaders ‘R’ Us Student Leadership program. I invite you to join us on this journey!

Shannon Edwards
Student Presenter, TEPSA Student Leadership
I have been blessed to serve in education over the past 31 years. As a classroom educator, I saw my 183 days as a gift of opportunity to instill a love of learning and place my learners in as many leadership roles as possible to see their potential and grow their skills as leaders. As a campus AP and Principal, I continued to provide various leadership opportunities to help develop young leaders for our Student Council representatives. As a campus principal I am lucky to have had a front row seat the past 9 years in watching young learners find their passion and gift for serving others through leadership. What an honor to help young children grow in their leadership skills impacting the lives of those they serve and the world around them now and in the years to come. While I have recently retired, my heart will never retire from serving children to help them connect their passions and strengths while developing their leadership skills. I am excited to be able to serve as a member of the Leaders ‘R’ Us team and am looking forward to working alongside our young leaders across Texas as they problem solve together to positively impact their corner of the world!

Mary Myles French
Advisor Presenter, TEPSA Student Leadership
For the past 25 years, I’ve been privileged to serve in a variety of roles from the classroom to administration in elementary and secondary education. Although I recently retired, I remain a proud lifelong learner, dedicated to nurturing student leadership and fostering meaningful relationships within school communities. I wholeheartedly believe in collaborative leadership and strive to emphasize empathy and teamwork to achieve our shared goals. I’ve helped cultivate cultures of inclusive leadership for both staff and learners by encouraging student agency and responsibility. I’m dedicated to advancing best practices in student-centered education and am excited to contribute to the TEPSA student leadership workshops.